Saturday 20 January 2024

From a 2023 editorial in The Week, we learn that German politicians used the word Zeitenwende (meaning epochal shift) to describe the effect of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. While that was well justified, it seems to me that in the UK we’re getting our own version in the form of the alarmingly deluded Rwanda BillContinue reading “Saturday 20 January 2024”

6 January 2024

New Year greetings to all! As we enter 2024, there’s no doubt that the starting gun has been fired on the general election, Rishi Sunak predictably trying to distract from Starmer’s key speech with the declaration that his ‘working assumption’ (odd choice of words when the timing is solely his decision) that it will beContinue reading “6 January 2024”

Sunday 8 January 2023

In the circumstances saying Happy New Year to all sounds somewhat hollow so I’ll settle for very best wishes for 2023. Over the years we’ve got used to various ‘Twixmas’ and New Year occurrences, some of them proving irritating, if not infuriating, bah humbug (or whatever the New Year equivalent is). One is the numerousContinue reading “Sunday 8 January 2023”

Saturday 6 November

During the week our prime minister continued to downplay the likely effectiveness of COP26, admitting that the preceding G20 summit of world leaders in Rome had failed to ‘step up to the plate’ regarding action on climate change. Despite the efforts of some politicians to marginalise Greta Thunberg, it will have a marked impact thatContinue reading “Saturday 6 November”

Sunday 12 September

The 20th anniversary of 9/11 will be concentrating minds even further on Afghanistan and the west’s legacy there. As accounts of Afghans’ distress and persecution continue to emerge, the only guard of the Kabul UK embassy to have made it to the UK with his wife and baby was interviewed on Radio 5 Live lastContinue reading “Sunday 12 September”

Sunday 1 August

Although the news continues to be dominated by Covid-related issues, there was another stark reminder last Sunday of the climate crisis, parts including London once again experiencing flash floods. We’ve become used to seeing these in other countries but it feels even more alarming when you see for the first time footage of local placesContinue reading “Sunday 1 August”